Post by bgrotto on Sept 5, 2021 17:08:21 GMT -6
Trying to avoid Reverb, hopefully can unload a few items here.
- Acustica Aquamarine $100
- Acustica Cola $75
- Acustica Navy $100
- Acustica Pink $100
- Acustica Titanic $80
- Boz Hoser and Hoser XT $75
- Boz Plus10db $50
- Ghz Panpot $25
- Mastering the Mix Bassroom $35 SOLD
- Sonible proximityEQ $50
- Sonible smartcomp $75
- UVI Drum Replacer $65
- UVI Plate $75
- XLN Addictive Trigger $100
- XLN RC-20 $75
All prices include license fees. Open to offers and also to 'bulk' discounting. These are all great plugs but they're just not seeing use on my stuff anymore, so I gotta unload em.
- Altec 436b/c - $2000. This is a "B" that was modded to "C" with attack and release. I prefer this, myself, cuz i think the tiny screw pots on the "C" model kinda stink, and the knobs on the mod are way easier to work with. If you've never used this on SVT bass, you gotta hear it. Kinda crazy good.
- Avid IO with *only* the digital card. Could be expanded to include whatever you need, up to 16x16 analog. $400. Easy / cheap way to quickly expand your studio's IO count.
- Cartec FE-Q5. $600. Badass inductor EQ. Nice, clean HPF. I have a few of these and only need a stereo pair, so one is on the selling block.
- Kush Electra / THC 500 eq. $450. This is a prototype unit that Greg from Kush sent me. Frequency points are slightly different from the production model, but only barely. The main difference is the faceplate...evidently there was another co. that had a piece of gear called "THC" so they renamed these to avoid confusion. Anywho, these are a longtime favorite of mine, and i have a bunch. Letting one go to fund some other upgrades around the studio.
SOLD -Tonelux TX5C - $400 each, or $700 for a pair. Personal favorites of mine; I have a dumb amount of these things. But...I've only got two of these I'm willing to part with...need the others for their insanely good drum compression!! SOLD
Buyer will pay shipping for all the hardware stuff. I'm open to trades and offers, so don't be shy about hitting me up with that. Thank ye!
- Acustica Aquamarine $100
- Acustica Cola $75
- Acustica Navy $100
- Acustica Pink $100
- Acustica Titanic $80
- Boz Hoser and Hoser XT $75
- Boz Plus10db $50
- Ghz Panpot $25
- Sonible proximityEQ $50
- Sonible smartcomp $75
- UVI Drum Replacer $65
- UVI Plate $75
- XLN Addictive Trigger $100
- XLN RC-20 $75
All prices include license fees. Open to offers and also to 'bulk' discounting. These are all great plugs but they're just not seeing use on my stuff anymore, so I gotta unload em.
- Altec 436b/c - $2000. This is a "B" that was modded to "C" with attack and release. I prefer this, myself, cuz i think the tiny screw pots on the "C" model kinda stink, and the knobs on the mod are way easier to work with. If you've never used this on SVT bass, you gotta hear it. Kinda crazy good.
- Avid IO with *only* the digital card. Could be expanded to include whatever you need, up to 16x16 analog. $400. Easy / cheap way to quickly expand your studio's IO count.
- Cartec FE-Q5. $600. Badass inductor EQ. Nice, clean HPF. I have a few of these and only need a stereo pair, so one is on the selling block.
- Kush Electra / THC 500 eq. $450. This is a prototype unit that Greg from Kush sent me. Frequency points are slightly different from the production model, but only barely. The main difference is the faceplate...evidently there was another co. that had a piece of gear called "THC" so they renamed these to avoid confusion. Anywho, these are a longtime favorite of mine, and i have a bunch. Letting one go to fund some other upgrades around the studio.
Buyer will pay shipping for all the hardware stuff. I'm open to trades and offers, so don't be shy about hitting me up with that. Thank ye!